From :
Joanne Warby
(Australia) 31 January 2006 |
I have listed the CAVEY family on my web-site.
There are a large amount of names and if anyone can help add to the site....or provide me with some photographs to add to the names I would dearly love to hear from you jowarby at
WEBSITE ... can be found by just typing in
jo.warby or jo.warby.markingtime
look under genealogy and the CAVEY name and the WINTER family....links lead from one name to the other.....
Regards Joanne
[Note of the Editor] The page Joanne is speaking of is here :
Joanne Warby
(Australia) 31 January 2006 |
I have my website up and running which includes the Winter-Cavey names amongst many other
just type in
jo.warby.markingtime or even just jo.warby and you will find the site ...look under Genealogy and you will find the Cavey name....
Regards Joanne
[Note of the Editor] This message was first sent on Message Board at
Deborah Bennetts
(New-Zealand) 20 Mai 2005 |
Greetings - don't know if this is a hoax so will send this out and see
what happens
Grandfather: George Cavey of New Plymouth, New Zealand had 8
Father: Malcolm James Cavey (DOB: 03/03/1951) of Paparimu, New
Zealand had 2 children
Me: Deborah Ann Bennetts (DOB: 20/6/1971) of Waiuku, New
Zealand had 2 children
Toni (Antonia) Cavey
(New-Zealand) 29 July 2004 |
My daughter found your site and it has made us all very excited.
I am Antonia Cavey and am married to Alan Cavey. Alan is the son of Margaret and Leslie Cavey from Taranaki, New Zealand.
My husband and I live in a area known as Orawia which is approximately 80kms west of Invercargill which is at the bottom of the South Island of New Zealand.
We are dairy farmers and milk approximately 600 cows which a due to start calving in a weeks time.
We have three beautiful children. Danielle 14 years, Sarah 7 years, Mitchell 13 months and expecting our fourth child on or about the 25th September.
Look forward to keeping in touch.
Sarah McGowan
(New-Zealand) 7 June 2003 |
I live in Christchurch, New Zealand and I am wanting to locate any descendants of
Vernon Vivian CAVEY who married Louisa Alexandra BLAKELY in 1924 in Cheshire, ENG.
I understand that Vernon was from the Channel Islands, and may have had an association with the Sadlers Wells Ballet.
Louisa is the daughter of my Great Aunt, Louisa Josephine BLAKELY, nee ROLLESTON, and was born in Belfast, Ireland in 1895.
If you have any information that could assist, I would be pleased to hear of it,
Many thanks
Sonia Cavey
(New-Zealand) 7 October 2001 |
Yes Jon is related to Gordon and Sue, most of the Caveys we know about in New Zealand are related.
Sonia Cavey
(New-Zealand) 27 September 2001 |
Hello, my family are Caveys, we live in Paraparaumu, New Zealand.
There are my husband Jon, my daughter Kennedy and me Sonia. Jon originally comes from Taranaki, and is related to the Caveys there.
Yvonne Cavey
(New-Zealand) 6 October 2000 |
I find your emails most informative A wee bit of Information on the Kiwi decendants .from NewZealand .Thomas John Winter Cavey and Nellie Amelia Cavey left Wellington for Taranaki in 1917 they arrived with 3 children
George,,Iris and Voilet 2 more children were born to them at tataramaka ,Grace and William. After 7 years they purchased the present farm of 163 acres in 1924.
George married Phyllis Price, they had 8 children
Violet married Eric Sears they had 6 children
Iris married James Moffit they had 6 children
Grace married Bernard Putt they had 3 children
William married Liella Straton they had 2 children
George married Phyllis in 1937 and settled on the top part of the farm
William married Liella they settled on the lower part of the farm.
Thomas (Jack) died in 1957aged 68 years Nellie died in 1982 aged 92
George and Phyllis had 8 children
Leslie married Margaret Hosking they had 5 children
David married Dale 4 children Steven,Michael,Andrew(deceased)Arron
Judith married Paul Newling 1 son live in Australia
Alan married Antonia Taankink 1 daughter
Linda 2 children Karla ,Leroy
Helen married Mark OConnor twins
Joyce married Thomas Downs they had 4 children
Paul married Wendy Littin they have 3 children,Ashley Kimberley,Daniel
Sharyn (deceased) married Ian Short 1 son William Lived in Scotland
Michelle married Garry Northcott
Mervyn married Yvonne Coltart they had 3 children(Live in Australia)
Naomi partner Dennis Oconnor 2 girls Lauren & Danielle Cavey-OConner
Khris single
Caryn married Gary Coutts 3 sons Mitchell,Joshua, Ben.
Brian married Jill Sutton they had 3 children
Mark (Deceased) married Maria Harvey 2 children Toni Lee ,Rhys deceased)
Geoffrey single
Jan single
Peter married Kaye Wilkinson (divorced) 2 children
Sandra married Craig
John married Sonia Jackson 1 daughter
Gordon married Suzanne Butler 3 children
Malcolm (jim) married Janice McIsaac 2 children
Lexene married Shannon Lowry 1 son
Rodney married Maryane Cameron 3 children
In 1985 George sold the farm to Gordon and Suzanne who with their children are the 3rd and 4th generation of Caveys to live on the farm.
George Edward Cavey died 1n 1990
As far as we are aware there are no other Caveys in NewZealand Merv and I have resided in NSW in Australia for the past 25 years and see the Cavey name crop up frequently in all states
Marc Cavey
(New Zealand) 26 May 1999 |
Didn't think there were so many CAVEYS out there, let alone on the NET.
I am a dairy farmer in the South Island of New Zealand milking 180 Jersey cows.
I am married (to Maria) and have two children Toni-Lee age 6, and Rhys age 3.
Im a keen deer stalker and trout fisherman.
Suzanne Cavey
(New Zealand) 15 February 1999 |
To Troels
Were the Caveys in Gulgong Australia, Merv and Yvonne, and family Naomi, Kris and Karen ?
Regards Suzanne Cavey. Okato. New Zealand
Troels Kjaer
(Greenland) 11 February 1999 |
I just found you site, and itīs good. I am looking for a Cavey family from Gulgong, NSW, australia. They have family in New Zealand. I was an exchange student in 1989.
Sonja Cavey
(New-Zealand) 11 October 1998 |
I am Suzanne Cavey's (Okato, New Zealand) oldest daughter. I am 23, and currently finishing my degree, majoring in geography.
I think this site is fantastic and promotes not only the amazing technology available at our fingertips today, but also something that is very precious to us all, - our families
Suzanne Cavey
(New-Zealand) 07 July 1997 |
My husband, Gordon is the fourth generation Cavey that settled in New-Zealand in the late 1800 in Wellington.
My husbands grandfather, John Winter Cavey was born in 1889, he was the fifth child of Charlotte & George Cavey. He married Ellen Stollery, they moved to Taranaki in 1914 and began dairy farming. They had five children George,Iris,Violet, Grace & Bill George Cavey was my father-in-law. He died in 1990 in car accident.
Gordon and myself dairy farm on the Taranaki plains at Okato.
We have three children, Sonja, Katrina and Bevin. The great grandfather is believed to have come from Cornwell.We have our only immediate family we know of within New Zealand.There has been talk that part of the family could have come from France.I would be interested to know your family history. Good to here from another Cavey.