From :
Linda McKinlay
(Canada) 14th April 2012 |
Hello David.
I really don't have any information on the Cavey family as I was only looking for Pamela as she was the first wife of my brother-in-law's father. Sounds confusing I'm afraid. Anyway, one of her relatives sent my brother-in-law some info and photos, so I will pass this on to him and maybe he can help you.
Have a nice day,
Linda McKinlay
(Canada) 12th April 2012 |
Hi Peggy.
I was actually looking for a Pamela Cavey who was the first wife of my brother-in-law's father. Confusing at times, but we figured it out.
Thanks anyway,
Linda McKinlay
(Canada) 21th November 2011 |
I am writing from Blenheim, Ontario, Canada and need your help.
My sister's father-in-law is Arthur Boyle and in 1945 he married Pamela Cavey in London I believe. She was born in 1921, the daughter of Cecil Cavey and Art is from the east coast of Canada and was born in 1915. After the war Art was coming home, but Pamela did not want to immigrate to Canada, so they split up. Art is now a lively 96, but for the past 60 years he has wondered what happened to Pamela. I really don't have any more information than that, but it would make an old man very happy to find out what happened to his wife. He has had a wonderful life in Canada, with a new family, but this has really started to bother him the older he gets.
I hope you can help.
Linda McKinlay
(Canada) 15th June 2011 |
I put the name Pamela Cavey Boyle into Google and a message came up that said her neice is looking into family history, but when I clicked on the message your great site came up. Does any of this sound famliar? I inquired a couple of days ago as her ex-husband, Arthur Boyle is 95 and always wondered what happened to her.
Thank you.
D. Luke Cavey
(Canada) 5th June 2008 |
I am a Cavey and just looking for some roots ^.^
I live in Canada with my family dad is a Cavey by birth and mom was marryed into the Caveys I have 4 other siblings thier are 4 boys and 1 girl all together yet 5 of us :P
We list in Ottawa ON and were born and rased here any other info u would like just e-mail me ^.^
Now i am off to exsplore the site ^.^ l8er days
David Irwin
(Canada) 16th April 2008 |
I am not a Cavey, but my family is from Keavy/Cavey near Ballygawley, Ulster/N. Ireland. I wonder if anyone knows why the area is known as Cavey.
Note from the Editor : Yes, such a village is quoted on the Caveys places. I shall try to provide you with more information later because I have bought a map from the Tyrone County (Irland).
Margie Moores-Morin
(Canada) 7 June 2003 |
I've received this mail from Margie Moores-Morin looking for a Thoams Cavey.
If you can help her thanks to let us know.
Margie wrote:
I am not sure if you can help me but i am trying to track down someone. His name is Thomas Cavey, he would be early 40's in age and in the mid 80's he was serving in the military - the USA Air Borne Regiment ..... He and I had become quite close until I moved to Ottawa, Ontario from St John;s 1987. We had been writing for 2 years prior at which time he was living in Raleigh, North Carlina.
I would dearly love to get in touch with Tom or at least hear how he is doing so that I know he is alive, well and happy. I f you know of anyone whom I can contact to try to find him, I would greatly appreciate any help at all.
My email address is and my telephone number is 613-843-9904.....any help is appreciated. Tom would know me as Margie Moores, I married years ago and am now separated ... Once again any help would be welcomed.
Yours truly
Jean-Luc Cavey
(France) 26 June 2001 |
All the family welcomes you William.
Hope Caveys - especialy from Canada - will provide you some consitent information.
We all are interested by the gread job you have done for you own Cavey family tree. Feel free to let us know.
Bruxy Cavey
(Ontario) 11 August 2000 |
Hi all ~
Just to make sure everyone has heard the latest, I thought I'd e-mail y'all with the greatest...
Nina proposed! I said yes! The date is set!...
Please keep this November 4th free for "A Mid Summer Night's Dream - In November". We'll be married in Howard Park Church in Toronto that afternoon.
That's all for now. More to come soon.
Faith, Hope, & Love!
A Happy Bruxy
PS: 3 pictures included...
- A New Family Unfolds
- The Woman Of My Dreams
- Our 3 Children

Click on the picture to see the actual size.
Click on the picture to see the actual size.
Click on the picture to see the actual size.
Bruxy Cavey
A41 - 481 North Service Rd. West
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Fred Taylor Cavey
(Canada) 04 March 1999 |
I am a novice at this E-mail business at least on the social level. I use the internet to transfer business information but I really don't understand the gerneral use of the sytem. I have been receiving E-mail communications and I congratulate you on all the work you have done. It is hard to believe that there are so many CAVEY relatives around the Globe. The following is my family tree as I have it. There may be many duplications as my son - nephew - and grand nephew are on your mailing list now.
Here is my record taken from a family Bible.
Henry Cavey - his book - Draycott - Follett - England Nov 28, 1877
Henry Cavey : Brn sept 27, 1857 Died Jan 08, 1918
Married Louisa : Born Nov 4, 1862 Died Jan 28, 1940
Their children :
William Henry (my father) : Born June 29, 1891
Georges Taylor : Born Nov 25, 1892
Annie Louisa : Born Sept 22, 1894
Ethelbert John : Born Aug 02, 1896
Frederick Charles : Born Nov 17, 1898
Ernest Edward : Born June 17, 1900
Emily Jane : Born Sept 28, 1903
Arthur Thomas : Born Sept 05, 1905
Rose Ellen : Born June14, 1908
William Henry (my father) married Susan Bell August 1921
Their children :
Bert - John Herbert William : Born Aug 28, 1922
Fred - Frederick Taylor : Born July 12, 1924
Arthur - Arthur Henry : Born May 20, 1928
Wilma - Allison Willma : Born Oct 07, 1934
Frederick Taylor Cavey married Lois G. Mulligan Oct 12, 1946
Their children :
Lois Carolyn : Born june 23, 1947
Beverley Joyce : Born April 6, 1949
Stephen Frederick : Born Jan 25, 1952
Cathryn Anne : Born June 20, 1956
Timothy Bruce (Bruxy) : Born Feb 21, 1965
My father William Henry Cavey emmigrated to Canada in the early 1900's and settled in Ottawa Canada. His wife, Susan, had emmigrated to Canada from England around the same time. They met ans were married in Ottawa where they lived out their lives raising their four children :
Bert married Eileen Sproule and remained in Ottawa as a civil servant.
Buisness took Fred from Ottawa to Montreal then to Toronto and latterly to Bracebridge.
Arthur Married Joyce Brown and spend over 40 years in Brazil (South-America) as missionaries.
Wilma married Don Skemer ans lives in Ottawa.
Bert had four children :
Ruth, married David Dobson, lives in Montreal
Bill livew in Winnipeg where he is school president
Daniel lives in Orleans (a suburb of Ottawa) where he is a protestant minister.
Lois (married) lives in Winnipeg.
Arthur had three children :
James lives near Philladelphia P.A. U.S.A.
John currently living in Brazil
Marguerita (married Chip Barnhart) a protestant minister living in Milwaukee WS U.S.A.
Nancy Cavey
(Manitoba) 3 February 1999 |
I see that my son, Tim has signed your guestbook! Great! Just to let you know that my husband's grandfather (William Cavey) came from Swindon, England.
Lois Cavey Ingels
(Manitoba) 9 October 1997 |
Hi, My name is Lois Cavey Ingels. I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. My father is John Herbert William Cavey of Ottawa Ontario Canada. Thanks for putting the site together because it has been very interesting learning more about my family. I will be sure to drop in again and check it out and maybe give more info.
Tim Cavey
(Manitoba) 8 October 1997 |
Hi there! My name is Tim Cavey, and I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I found out about your site from your general e-mail we received. I'm just checking it out for first time...(very interesting!)
Damien Rauline
(Quebec ) 3 October 1997 |
You will find at the end of this message the information that I have concerning the surname CAVE or CAVEY. In the acts of the parish registers of the quoted communes, this name is indistinctly written according to one or the other of the two forms. It is surely possible to go further back to this branch, because it is a question of time which prevented me from pushing my research. And it is now also a question of space since even if I am Norman, I am for a few years in Quebec.
I am a descendant of Jacques BOUILLON and Genevieve MARIE. She was the natural daughter of Marie CAVEY, and that's why she was named after her mother.
I visited your site, and I must say that I was quite surprised to find no text in French. On this subject, I would like to point out that when writing in Canada as a French person, it is preferable to write in both languages. Quebecers (and they are right) have some difficulty understanding that a French speaker can write to another French speaker in another language than French.
Good luck in your research,
1 Jacques CAVE + 1756/....
1- x ..../1726
1- x Marie MARIE ° ../../1688 + 05/02/1753 La Vacquerie (14)
.... 1-1 Jacques CAVE + 1774/....
.... 1-1 x 05/02/1752 La Vacquerie (14)
.... 1-1 x Marie DELAFONTAINE
.... .... 1-1.1 Pierre Quentin CAVE O 29/10/1748 La Vacquerie (14)
.... .... 1-1.2 Jacques CAVE O 02/12/1752 La Vacquerie (14)
.... .... + 22/05/1816 Bieville (50)
.... .... 1-1.2 x 25/10/1774 Bieville (50)
.... .... 1-1.2 x Marguerite MATHURINE O ../../1749
.... .... + 27/FLOR/07 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... 1-1.2.1 Jeanne Françoise CAVE O 26/12/1777 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... 1-1.2.2 Marguerite CAVE O 27/07/1780 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... + 30/01/1784 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... 1-1.2.3 Jacques François CAVE O 15/08/1782 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... + 30/01/1784 Bieville
.... .... .... 1-1.2.4 Marie CAVEY O 12/10/1784 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... + 19/03/1863 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... 1-1.2.4 Fileuse
.... .... .... .... 1- Geneviève MARIE O 30/04/1807 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... .... + 01/12/1842 Bieville
.... .... .... .... 1- x 26/11/1830 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... .... 1- x Jacques BOUILLON O 22/FRIM/12 Rouxeville (50)
.... .... .... .... + 01/03/1878 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... .... 1- Maçon , Domestique , Fermier
.... .... .... 1-1.2.4 x 25/03/1810 Bieville (50)
.... .... .... 1-1.2.4 x Jean MADELEINE
.... .... 1-1.3 Marguerite CAVE O 22/10/1754 La Vacquerie (14)
.... .... 1-1.4 Marie Louise CAVE O 07/11/1757 La Vacquerie (14)
.... .... + 17/11/1757 La Vacquerie (14)
.... .... 1-1.5 Pierre CAVE O 28/03/1759 La Vacquerie (14)
.... .... + 08/07/1759 La Vacquerie (14)
.... .... 1-1.6 Jeanne Louise CAVE O 07/06/1764 La Vacquerie (14)
.... 1-2 Jacques CAVE
.... 1-2 x 19/01/1756 La Vacquerie (14)
.... 1-2 x Marie DESBISSONS
.... 1-3 Anne CAVE
.... 1-3 x 19/01/1756 La Vacquerie (14)
.... 1-3 x Michel MARIE
.... 1-4 Jean CAVE O 18/12/1726 La Vacquerie (14)
[Note of the Editor] : I replied to Damien that he is right, but the reason the site is in English is that when I started building it, I had in mind to reach the Caveys of England and the United States and that he was the first French-speaking Cavey to visit it... First of all, as I wrote on How does Cavey sound in French? In France, some Cavé are certainly Cavey that have lost the final 'y' and have an acute accent on the 'e'. Second, La Vaquerie is a village located in Calvados, while Bieville is located in Manche.
Fred T. Cavey
(Ontario) 3 September 1997 |
I am Fred T. Cavey father of Bruxy Cavey.
I have not visited the site yet but will do so as soon as the summer holiday period is ended.
I have been Santa Claus at Santa's village here in Bracebridge, Ontario Canada with my wife acting as Mrs. Claus for the summer tourist period. This has kept us busy but the village is now closed until Christmas.
We have had quite a few visitors from Europe as well as Canada and the USA as guests at the Village this summer.
Bruxy Cavey
(Ontario) 27 June 1997 |
Wow! It was so neet to hear from another "Cavey"!
Let me tell you a bit about myself - My name is Bruxy originally named Bruce and I live in a town called Oakville, which is just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My parents are Fred and Lois Cavey and live in Bracebridge, a town a couple of hours north. I am a 32 year old man and single. I am a Christian and am the pastor of Upper Oaks Community Church in Oakville. I'm also a part-time performer with "4 CRYING OUT LOUD!" a performance art troupe that specializes in drama, dance, and mime.
Here is a picture of Bruxy :

Click on the picture to see the actual size.