Each person has two homelands, his country and France (Thomas Jefferson).
This site has been intended to promote relationships between those, all over the World, whose surname is "Cavey" or who have a family connection with a Cavey.
Our goal was to exchange any suitable information about our families, our ancestors, our history, our roots and our genealogy.
Our main research was "where did the Caveys came from ?" |
Created on 15 June 1997 and continuously updated until January 2015, this site is now closed and no longer updated.
I am keeping it online to allow those whose name is "Cavey" and interested in searching for their roots to glean some information.
For more recent information, French-speaking Cavey can visit the Généanet site, while English-speaking Cavey can visit WikiTree (among others).
Note to visitors (15 june 2021):
In 1997, when this site was created, the Internet was of 1972 but the Web was only 5 years old (1992). There was still competition between the World Wide Web, AOL, CompuServe and Prodigy, not to mention Gopher. Few people had a computer connected to the Internet. Connections were unimaginably slow today. Few knew how to deal with e-mails.
After I started this site, I searched for the e-mail addresses of the Caveys around the world. It was easy at the time because in 1997 there was no such thing as spam. You could find as many directories of e-mail addresses as you wanted on the Web. This explains many of the questions you will find on pages like "The Cavey in nnnnn" where people wonder why I am writing to them,
Later (but in 2021 I don't remember when) we created a group on Yahoo.groups (this service no longer exists). This also explains some of the requests you will find on the same pages. I was copying the most interesting interventions on the website,
Remember that in 1997, socials networks did not exist: LinkedIn dates from 2002; Viadeo from 2004; Facebook from 2004; Twitter from 2006 and even less WhatsApp (2009) or whatever. So there was no question of creating a Facebook group,
Many external links on this site have died since the site was created. That's the way life on the Internet is.
There are some PDF files on the site, however you may need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read them.
Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded here:
